A fantastic turn-out in Colliers Wood, packing more than 80 people into St Joseph's Hall. With this being home patch to our production office we'd been able to ensure direct contact between Fifth Province Productions and a number of relevant local interest groups. Working in partnership with community-building network Making Colliers Wood Happy, we were able to draw our most diverse audience to date. The majority present were non-Irish, and cultural backgrounds indicative of south London's diversity were represented. Audience members ranged in age from under-11s to seniors; spanned the worlds of professional and amateur music; we played to students of theatre and to people who said of themselves that they simply didn't have any contact with literature.
What characterised the listening was a generosity and willingness to give the production a try even if it were an overt departure from people's usual material of choice and represented a perceived 'risk' in terms of accessibility. Valuable feedback from many present and a truly rewarding event. Our warm thanks to all who gave practical support.