The autumn leg of our UK tour culminated in a matinee performance at the Irish Cultural Centre, Hammersmith, before a hugely responsive audience.  We had to call for extra seating to be added as the room filled.

The majority - and core audience, unsurprisingly - was Irish but also present were a significant number best described as from the arts, media and communications sector. Very rewarding indeed to see again a total of eight people who were attending the show for the second (or in one case, third) time.  Each of them, whether Irish or not, has expressed the view that the work is easily rich enough and engaging enough to merit more than a single visit.   

Every audience reacts in its own way and this one was both quick to find the humour of the show and generous in its appreciation.  Applause was heartfelt throughout the show and people rose in acknowledgement of Donal and Harriet, their commitment and their energy.