About Us
Liz Newbery and Dónal Cox joined forces in 2010 to bring original work Journey to the Fifth Province to the stage: Dónal as deviser and performer, Liz as co-writer and producer. The show had its premiere opening the 2011 Irish Writers Festival in London.
Our shared vision for collaboration under the banner of Fifth Province Productions arises from the intent to create a body of work that's surprising, engaging, and which wouldn’t otherwise happen.
As world-views evolve artists in every discipline are challenged to take a stand. As literary giant W B Yeats pointed out, the only authentic stand is the one we take whilst the very ground itself shifts beneath our feet.
Our stand is for value and insight, offered through work that animates unactualised spaces in our audience and in ourselves. The old Irish way of communicating value is expressed as ‘between seriousness and playfulness’. In that spirit we invite your enjoyment - and your reflection.
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© 2024 Fifth Province Productions