BFI Academy 0415 graduates Last Birthday




BFI Academy 0415 Last Birthday poster

An honour to be present at yesterday's BFI Film Academy event, a screening of six outstanding short films by young film-makers aged 16-19.

Cast as the lead in one of them, The Last Birthday, Dónal brought to the team his wealth of experience as a screen actor.  He reports being very favourably impressed by the crew's mature approach and focus throughout the shoot, which marked the culmination of a film-making craft skills intensive residential programme.  (We'll share a link to the film as soon as it's available!)

The Academy is a collaborative venture between BFI and the National Film and Television School to support and develop the enthusiasm and skills of future film professionals.  At yesterday's event BFI Chair, Greg Dyke, and NFTS Director, Nik Powell warmly addressed the students and their guests before presenting certificates to confirm the young people as graduates of the BFI Film Academy.

Congratulations to all on an energised event reflecting a programme - and no doubt a UK film future - of which we can be proud.